Finding an Associateship

Looking for your first job after graduating from dental school or looking to make a change in your current situation? Finding the right associateship takes time and experience. Do you want to work for corporate or are you interested in exploring private practice? Do you want something with the potential for ownership down the road? Does having a mentor appeal to you? We spend the time to get to know each and every one of our associate candidates to make sure they understand what their options are and are able to make the right decision. We work hard to find them the positions that will help them reach their goals and provide for a gratifying career.

When working with BridgeWay, you will start off by speaking with an Associate Placement Specialist. They will learn about you, your situation, and what you are looking to achieve. We will then gather the necessary information that we will need in order to match you with the right opportunity. Once we have that information, we will set up another time to talk you through the opportunities that we have that might work for you. From there we will schedule interviews and work with you and the host to help you land that dream job. We will be hands on and present from this point until you begin working in your new associateship.

